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CASB vs ZTNA: Comparison for Beginners

  • 10 Jun 2024
  • 4 min read

CASB vs ZTNA_ Comparison for Beginners-1

Are you struggling to protect your company's digital assets amidst growing cyber attacks? There are two big ways to help: Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) and Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA). But which one should you pick? 

This guide will help you understand both, so you can choose the best one for you. We'll explain what they are, show how they're different, and help you decide which one is right for your needs. 

What is CASB?

CASB stands for Cloud Access Security Broker. It's like a security guard for your company's data in the cloud. It helps keep your information safe when you're using cloud services like Google Drive or Dropbox. CASB watches over who's accessing your data, what they're doing with it, and if any suspicious activity is happening. Think of it as a gatekeeper that adds an extra layer of protection to your cloud-based applications and data.

What is ZTNA?

ZTNA stands for Zero Trust Network Access. It's a cybersecurity approach that focuses on not trusting anyone trying to access your network, whether they're inside or outside your company. Instead of assuming everyone is safe once they're inside, ZTNA checks every user and device, making sure they're legit before letting them in. It's like a bouncer at a club, carefully checking IDs to keep out anyone who shouldn't be there. ZTNA helps prevent unauthorized access to your network and keeps your data safe from potential threats.

CASB vs ZTNA_ Comparison for Beginners

ZTNA and CASB: Key Stats

Zero Trust Implementation Increases: Since 2021, the deployment of Zero Trust solutions has substantially increased, with various technologies being adopted. Notably, ZTNA (Zero Trust Network Access) has seen a deployment rate of 67%, indicating its importance in securing network access.

CASB Deployment: Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB) have also seen significant adoption, with  72% of respondents reporting its implementation. CASB plays a crucial role in securing cloud-based applications and data, highlighting its relevance in modern cybersecurity strategies.

Challenges with Implementation: Despite the increased adoption, organizations are facing challenges in fully implementing Zero Trust strategies. Only 28% of respondents reported having a complete Zero Trust solution in place, indicating difficulties in overcoming implementation hurdles such as interoperability issues and latency concerns.

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What is the difference between CASB and ZTNA?






Protects cloud-based applications and data.

Secures network access, regardless of location.


Monitors and controls data flowing to and from cloud services.

Verifies and authorizes access to network resources.

Key Function

Acts as a security intermediary between users and cloud services, enforcing policies and detecting threats.

Authenticates users and devices before granting access to applications and data.


Typically deployed as a cloud-based service or on-premises appliance.

Can be deployed on-premises, in the cloud, or as a service.

Access Control

Provides granular control over cloud application usage, including user activity monitoring and data protection features.

Utilizes identity-based access controls and micro-segmentation to limit access to specific resources.


Integrates with various cloud services and platforms, offering visibility and control across multiple environments.

Integrates with identity providers, VPNs, and other network security solutions for comprehensive access control.

Use Cases

Ideal for securing cloud-based collaboration tools, file sharing services, and other cloud applications.

Suitable for securing remote access to corporate networks, applications, and data, especially for mobile and remote workers.


Helps organizations meet compliance requirements for data protection and privacy regulations in cloud environments.

Assists in enforcing access control policies to comply with industry regulations and security standards.


Scales to accommodate growing cloud usage and expanding user bases.

Offers scalability to support remote work scenarios and dynamic network environments.

Overall Objective

Enhances cloud security posture and ensures data protection in cloud environments.

Strengthens network security posture by enforcing access controls and minimizing attack surface.

How do CASB and ZTNA work together?

CASB and ZTNA can work together synergistically to provide comprehensive security coverage for organizations. Here's how they can complement each other:

Visibility and Control: CASB offers visibility into cloud usage and data flows, allowing organizations to monitor and control activities within cloud applications. ZTNA complements this by providing granular access controls and authentication mechanisms, ensuring that only authorized users and devices can access cloud resources.

Data Protection: CASB helps enforce data protection policies by monitoring data transfers, detecting sensitive data, and applying encryption or access controls as needed. ZTNA enhances this by verifying user identities and device trust levels before granting access to sensitive data in the cloud.

Threat Detection and Response: CASB can detect anomalous behavior and potential security threats within cloud environments, triggering alerts or automated responses to mitigate risks. ZTNA strengthens this by ensuring that only trusted users and devices can access cloud resources, reducing the attack surface and minimizing the impact of potential breaches.

Compliance: CASB assists organizations in meeting compliance requirements for data protection regulations in cloud environments by providing visibility, control, and audit capabilities. ZTNA contributes to compliance efforts by enforcing access controls and authentication mechanisms to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access or data breaches.

Adaptive Security: By combining CASB and ZTNA, organizations can establish an adaptive security posture that dynamically adjusts access controls and security policies based on user behavior, device posture, and contextual information. This approach enhances security resilience and reduces the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches in cloud environments.

Why Invest in CASB?

Enhanced Security: CASB provides an additional layer of security for cloud-based applications and data, helping prevent unauthorized access, data breaches, and insider threats.

Visibility and Control: It offers visibility into cloud usage and data flows, allowing organizations to monitor user activities, detect anomalies, and enforce security policies to ensure compliance and data protection.

Data Protection: CASB helps protect sensitive data by applying encryption, access controls, and data loss prevention (DLP) policies, mitigating the risk of data leaks or exposure.

Compliance Assurance: It assists organizations in meeting regulatory compliance requirements by providing audit trails, compliance reports, and controls for data residency and protection regulations.

Shadow IT Discovery: CASB helps identify and manage shadow IT usage by detecting unauthorized cloud applications and enforcing policies to control their usage, reducing the risk of unapproved software adoption.

Threat Detection and Response: It enhances threat detection capabilities by analyzing user behavior, identifying suspicious activities, and triggering alerts or automated responses to mitigate security risks in real-time.

CASB Benefits for Enterprises

CASB provides enterprises with improved security for cloud applications, offering control over data access and usage. It enhances data protection with encryption and access controls, assists in compliance adherence, detects unauthorized cloud app usage, and alerts to potential security threats, ensuring robust protection for organizational data in the cloud.

Final Verdict

In conclusion, while both CASB and ZTNA offer valuable security solutions, the best approach for your organization depends on your specific needs and environment. CASB focuses on securing cloud-based applications and data, providing visibility, control, and compliance assurance. 

On the other hand, ZTNA secures network access, regardless of location, by verifying user identities and devices before granting access to resources. To achieve comprehensive security coverage, consider leveraging both CASB and ZTNA technologies in tandem, ensuring enhanced protection for your organization's digital assets. For a seamless and integrated security solution, explore PureDome, which offers advanced capabilities to safeguard your cloud and network environments effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the main difference between CASB and ZTNA?

CASB focuses on securing cloud-based applications and data, while ZTNA secures network access, regardless of location.

How do CASB and ZTNA complement each other?

CASB provides visibility and control over cloud usage, while ZTNA ensures granular access controls for network resources, enhancing overall security coverage.

Why invest in CASB for enterprise security?

CASB enhances security for cloud applications, offers data protection, assists in compliance adherence, and detects unauthorized cloud app usage, ensuring robust protection for organizational data in the cloud.